I am delighted that we raised £212.47 in total- that's a lot of penny and two pence coins.
Thank you to all who took part. Your efforts mean that six families will get the help they need to find and keep a decent home.
We have started on Take 2 of this as so many people wanted to keep the idea going. We have chosen SANDS (The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death charity) as the charity we will support between now and October 31st.
We have been lucky to welcome four happy, healthy babies into our Family in the past year. Sadly, not every parent knows this joy- SANDS helps them at a time of unimaginable sadness and supports them in the long term to help them connect with others in their situation and try to understand their loss. They are a fantastic organisation and we know we will have a lot of support to help us meet our target of £200.
You can join in here. Just collect the coins, bank them and donate on our page- couldn't be easier!
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