Restoring and beautifying London's most prestigious homes with love for almost 100 years.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Bastows at the Red Ribbon Awards 2013

We are delighted to share the news that at the Red Ribbon Awards on Friday 5 July, Bastows were Commended for Excellence as a Family Business of the Year.

We were shortlisted in two categories, 'Customer First' (won by Harry Harper Estate Agents) and recognised as a 'Family Business of the Year.' The great team at East End Foods were honoured as overall winners in that category, but we were thrilled to be runners-up- not bad when you consider this is a national award that saw the judges consider hundreds of submissions and narrowed the finalists to just six outstanding businesses.

We were proud to welcome our family and friends to the event to share in our success and support the chosen charities by bidding in the charity auction- helping to get the money raised up on more than a few lots and winning two of them!

You can read more here.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

London, and what you can do about it

I am sat here in our SW1 office looking at a busy (and to be honest, polluted and dirty) Elizabeth Street. This time last year London was bedecked in bunting left over from the Diamond Jubilee, and gearing up to receive its finery for the London 2012 Olympic Games. The buzz in the air, the positivity and excitement and pride in my home city was something that will live with me forever.

So what happened to that energy, that heart-swelling pride and that desire to make our city look its best?

It's frustrating for me as a Londoner to work for a company that works to Make London Beautiful and yet see the city looking less than glamorous. Why do we ignore the pollution and dirt? Why do we put up with overcrowded trains and buses, and pushing and shoving on the tube? Why do we shrug when Londoners are accused of being taciturn, snobbish or rude?

Why do we believe this is OK when we are lucky to live in a city people dream of seeing, and save for years to visit? Is it possible we have been browbeaten into thinking this is what London life is all about?

I refuse to believe it. I live in a city steeped in stories, rich in history and with the ability to surprise and bring pure joy to the stoniest heart.

So- does what Bastows do really make a difference?

I believe we do. The work we do to make buildings beautiful isn't just about clean paint, craftsmanship and TLC, but also the way we speak to people, treat one another and remain aware that every one of us is an Ambassador for our business and our city. Stepping off the tube at 7.30am and helping a mum with a pushchair is no different to making someone's home look fantastic by 5pm; the impact of our actions are felt by everyone we meet. If we make someone's life brighter, easier or more interesting by our actions, surely that's better than being the rude person on the train that they moan about to their colleagues or other half when they get home?

So my question to you as I sign off is this: we are a team that have chosen to behave in ways that see us Making London Beautiful- does this turn your head, or fill it with ideas for how you can do the same?

Niki Rosenbaum, Cultural Director