Does all this mean a corner has bee turned in our industry? Are things on the up? We're not certain, but at east we can see the corner now. We know from past experience that, teamwork, commitment to doing a great job and a steady hand on the tiller will see us right...

Niki and Tori are welcoming a new member of the family too- Alastair the Border Terrier moves in this weekend, and we will be sure to update you on his progress.

On the left you can see Marek and Jack and a quality photobomb by Tommy- the lad has great timing!
On a serious note, our sites continue to perform well on the safety and customer care fronts, with messages of thanks received from residents and caretakers at Cundy Street, Carlton Gate, Cheyne Gardens and Berwick Court. Our safety record remains strong, and we thank all our teams for their dedication to running professional and safe sites, and care for their own wellbeing and that of colleagues.
Our annual wellbeing survey is scheduled soon, and we are confident that this year will see further improvements in the wellbeing of our people and, in turn, our business.
We're off to the Family Business United awards on 12 June, where we have everything crossed for our nomination for Family Business of the Year; the best part is that we'll spend time with people from other family businesses, share experiences and celebrate together on what we're sure will be a great evening.
The FBU website has great resources for any business, whether family owned or not- check them out, sign up and stay in touch to tap into their wealth of expertise and experience.
Lastly, we wish to send our thoughts and condolences to the family of the man so horrifically killed in Woolwich yesterday. This was truly a senseless crime in a wonderful city, and we call on all our friends to remain positive and true to the belief that our city is beautiful. Thankfully, these crimes are rare. There has been condemnation from all quarters, and we know Londoners will come together as they have so many times to prevent further incidents and stamp out hate and fear.